Apr 13, 2020
This pandemic has affected all of us differently; some of us more than others. People have been laid off, gotten sick, or lost loved ones, and my heart goes out to them. It's important that we support each other during these trying times. I encourage you to call and connect with the people you love. We all need it so much.
Over the three weeks I've been in quarantine, I’ve picked up a few tips that might help you through this crazy time and help you move forward bit-by-bit, so you can look at things in a better light.
"Pick up the phone and FaceTime someone that you love. I think you should do it right now. If someone's struggling or if they're not struggling outwardly, call them. They probably are struggling on the inside and we're all experiencing new things right now that we've never experienced before."
In this episode Avani talks about:
It might seem like this item is on all my lists, but I can't stress enough how important it is to be grateful. If you can think about things that are good in life, you'll feel so much better.
Reframing is being able to look at something from a different angle and find the good in it. For me, I've been able to see this situation as an opportunity to learn new things while I've been inside and to do some self-reflection. Use it as an opportunity to expand.
What are some things that would make this season of your life successful? Write down the things that you would like to get done and that will make you feel accomplished.
Take care of yourself both physically and mentally. Now is the time to make sure you stay active and stay connected with friends. Workout, talk to friends, meditate, do yoga, read; anything to keep you healthy in body and mind.
Find freedom and fun in the life you now live at home. This could be exercising, it could be watching a TV show, it could be visiting an essential business if you can do so safely. Find the things that feel like play.