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The 6-Figure Freelancer Podcast | Freelancing | Entrepreneurship | Clients | Finances | Motivation | Personal Development | Mindset

Mar 23, 2020

Morning routines are one of my favorite things and I believe they’ve been foundational to everything in my life, including relationships, my personal life, my health and wellness, and my business.

In today’s episode, I share tools and tips for how to construct the perfect morning routine for you. These are tools that I’ve found to help me and I believe will be useful for you, too. I call this my 4-part toolkit for crafting a morning routine.

“I started doing my morning routines even before I started my business. This was something that helped me feel grounded, helped me feel more like me every single day, and I’m really grateful that I found this.”

In this episode Avani talks about:

  • Limiting your phone use before you start your day.
  • How gratitude can help cast positive energy into your mornings.
  • Things that you want to learn in the morning vs. those you don’t.

1. Clearing

Clear all of that “gunk” out of your brain. This can include negative self-talk, thought patterns, bad dreams, etc. It all builds up. To clear it out, I like to journal and get it all out on paper. The act of writing it down gets it out of my head so I can move on with my day.

2. Grounding

To ground yourself, I suggest a few things. Meditation is a great place to start. Once you get comfortable with meditation, it’s good to just sit in the quiet without being on your phone. Movement is also a great way to ground yourself. This could be walking your dog, yoga, making tea or coffee, anything that can help you move.

3. Casting

Casting is a way to get new and invigorating energy into your mind and life. You can do this by practicing gratitude, affirmations to yourself, future pacing in your journal, and being sure to sink into the feelings you want for the day. Visualization is also part of the casting process.

4. Learning

Find a way to put good back into your mind in the morning. I suggest avoiding the news, NPR, and other things that may put negative imagery or energy into your life. However, podcasts or books that can provide ideas or positive energy are a great way to start your day.

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