Feb 28, 2019
In today’s episode, I talked with Court Baker. Court is a six-figure business coach for women launching online coaching business. She’s an expert in online marketing strategies that help coaches build six- and seven-figure businesses.
Through working with other coaches, Court learned how to help them with their businesses, and, specifically, how to increase their social followings. She knew where people wanted to be and how to get them there, and her business was born out of her talent for marketing and advising.
Authenticity and personal branding are key to growing a coaching business, and Court helps her clients create authentic social media strategies.
As you’ll hear, this expertise comes from her own personal experiences with letting people peek into her life and showing vulnerability. It’s allowed her customers to trust her and feel connected to her as a consultant.
Court has been in the industry for 10 years and knows how to help clients get what they deserve.
“Share your heart, your vulnerability, your story or emotions to build that connection with them, but also talk about the problem that you solve.”