Sep 27, 2018
Intuition is defined as
the ability to understand
something immediately, without the need for conscious
reasoning. When we
listen to our intuition and solidify our mission, we become more
aligned and confident in our abilities. In today’s episode, I sit
down with Dee Gautham, founder of Dee Gautham Live Fearlessly, to
discuss how tapping into her intuition has helped her build her
brand, overcome entrepreneurial obstacles, and find
When Dee noticed an opportunity
to foster a community in the Instagram fitness space she entered it
without hesitation. She had no hopes of becoming Insta-famous but
the more she listened to her intuition the bigger she became. Her
side-hustle grew naturally and soon she was able to ditch her
9-to-5 and focus on her brand full time. Dee has now shifted from
the fitness space and coaches female entrepreneurs on mission
alignment and sales. I love Dee’s entrepreneurial spirit because
she addresses her challenges with a positive attitude, an open
mind, and a refreshing approach.
One of the biggest takeaways from today’s episode is Dee’s style to selling authentically. As Freelancers, when it comes to selling our services we often feel emotional and get intimidated. This, in turn, causes us to devalue ourselves, our time, and our skills. It is important that we put aside our ego and offer our services with a pure intention.
This episode is great for freelancers and entrepreneurs in need of a sales pep talk.
In this episode you will learn:
Related BSQ Podcasts:
Networking: The Easy + Effective Way to Create Authentic, Symbiotic Relationships
Freelance Hacks: Find Alignment, Build an Email List, and Create Multiple Streams of Income
Building Long-Term Relationships for Client Retention with Melissa Huisman
Connect with Dee:
Fearless Bosslady Facebook Group
Web Page:
Check out my website at Follow me on social media @AvaniMiriyala – can’t wait to hang out with you there!